Contact Us : info@grafteks.com
Diazo sensitized, durable, high solids content dual-cure emulsion with superior resistance to water based ink systems as well as most solvent-based inks.
LX-660 is compatible with water-based ink systems and suitable for all general purpose, graphics, and industrial applications. Latitude, resolution, and edge definition are excellent, which makes it ideal for fine line and halftone printing. The emulsion is durable and fast drying.
28UFLX660 28 ounces (0.83 liters)
1GUFLX660 1 gallon (3.785 liters)
5GUFLX660 5 gallons (18.927 liters)
50GUFLX660 50 gallons (189.27 liters)
Supplied with a diazo sensitizer in powder form
Shelf life 4-6 weeks after adding diazo
Coated mesh shelf life 4 weeks
COLOR : Red | Blue
SOLIDS : 38%
SENSITIZER : Diazo Dual Cure